Term 1 Week 5
Principal's Message

Parish Combined Mass
Thank you to those children and whanau who represnted the school at Wellington South Parish's combined Mass yesterday. Nicky and Amelia did a great job reading Prayers of the Faithful.
Meet the Teacher
This Thursday 6th March from 5pm-7pm we will be holding our annual Meet the Teacher social event.
Bring along your takeaway dinner and eat on the bottom court. This is a chance to meet other parents and also talk to the teachers. Each teacher will have a 15 minute slot in their classroom to talk to parents about class programmes: 6pm Room 1, 6.15pm Room 2, 6.30pm Room 4.

Faith News
Ash Wednesday Mass
This week is Ash Wednesday. We will be celebrating Mass together at 9am in the school hall, during which ashes will be distributed. Parents and whanau are welcome to attend.
Parish Newsletter
This week’s Parish newsletter is available here
2025 Sacramental Programme.
We are now accepting enrolments for 2025. This programme is available to all children who have been baptised into the Catholic faith and reached Year 4 or above in the primary school system. Enrollment forms are available on the Church website wellingtonsouthcatholic.org/
Welcome to St Bernard's School

A big St Bernard’s welcome to Elizabeth who started in Room 1 today.
Elizabeth recently turned 5 and has joined her big sister Annabel here at St Bernard’s.
Welome to school Elizabeth!.
Central Zone Cricket - Postponement
The Central Zone cricket tournament for years 4-6 was due to be held tomorrow. Unfortunately due to the forcasted rain they have decided to postpone the tournament, it will now be held next Tuesday 11 March.
Please check your Class Dojo messages for more information.
Brooklyn Library Visits
This term we will resume our termly visits to Brooklyn Library. If your child wishes to borrow a book during the visit they need to bring their personal library card with them. We will return books on the next visit if they are brought back in time. Books not brought on the day of the visit will need to be returned by yourselves. If you would like to leave your child's card in the classroom between visits then teachers will find a safe place to keep them.
Room 1: 06 March 20 March
Room 2: 27 March
Room 4: 13 March
Birthday Wishes

Special birthday wishes to Mnqobi will turn 8 on Saturday, We hope you have a wonderful, fun filled birthday.
If your child is sick or unable to attend school for all or part of the day, please either send a notification via the school app (skool loop), email the school office on office@stbernards.school.nz or phone 3899377 by 9.00 a.m. so that your child's absence can be accounted for.
Children who are late need to report to the office in case they have been marked absent by the teacher who takes the roll first thing in the morning.
If an absence is planned for a special reason, a note or telephone call to the school in advance is appreciated. In cases of prolonged absence, e.g. a family trip, a written note is required.
Room 1 Learning
Room 1 is settling into our reading programme. We are getting better at remembering to bring our book bags back to school and are enjoying taking home a variety of books to read. We are learning a poem each week. We read it daily as a class and then at the end of the week have our own copy to illustrate and put into our poem files to bring home to share with you. In class we relax with a book after morning tea and buddy read with the big books.

Room 2 Learning
Room 2 has fully delved into our new Maths curriculum. We've begun our math learning with place value, which, simply put, is understanding our counting system (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.). Although this might sound easy, a good understanding of place value provides a solid foundation for future math learning. Moreover, place value explores so much more than simply counting numbers correctly. The class is also learning how to say and write numbers, which has opened some great conversations about why we group numbers when saying and writing them (for example twenty-five thousand, instead of two ten thousands and five thousand). We are also learning how to visually represent larger numbers using base ten blocks.
In R.E., the class has been learning about the Trinity, for our term 1 topic on Te Atua "God". We've had some great conversations about the Trinity and the complexity of understanding what/who God is. We learned about the definition of the word 'mystery', and ultimately learned that God is a mystery - something difficult or impossible to fully understand. This sparked a great conversation about the meaning of faith and having a belief.

Room 4 Learning
Student Super hero Story Writing
The Year 6 children have spent the last two weeks writing about themselves as superheroes and creating a story based on their super powers. The names of their super heroes are: The Rainbow Blur, The Colour Warrior, The Time Finder, The Magician and The Iron Warrior. Here is a selection of the Year 6 Superhero writing:
The Rainbow Blur - Jacob: Yr 6
Hi, I am Rainbow Blur. I can control elements. I was born in Las Vegas and attended the Hero Academy. There is also Hero HQ here, but I learned how to use my powers at the academy. My identity is a secret so nobody knows it's me. Also my real name is Jacob and I’m 14. I have great friends and a nice family. I have battled with some of the strongest villains in the Nanoverse. One of them is my arch enemy, Shadow Dark. My class in Hero Academy is the highest class! It is Section 505 SUB Master Quarters or Sub MQ for short.
The Colour Warrior - Cosima: Yr 6
I transformed into my superhero form, activated my glider, and flew around trying to see anyone who looked suspicious. I checked the streets, roads and buildings. Suddenly, I saw someone, a person who was carrying my painting. I landed beside a tall building. I transformed back to my normal self and tried to follow them. I walked down the stairs and into the city. It was always so busy. How could I find them? I saw a flash of bright colours and paint as they walked past. My painting! I hurried after them and stopped. How could I get my painting off them? I suddenly realized I had lost them. I searched the streets for any sign of them but found nothing. I sadly started walking back to the art studio.
The Time Finder - Nicky: Yr 6
…Ok let's get started. My name is Keith. My eye colour is blue, my hair is light brown and my birthplace is Wellington. Now, this is my story. When I was working as a scientist in the lab, I was mucking around and it changed my life. It was when a potion fell on my head and leaked into my brain. My colleague called Sicklern ran in, saw what happened and ran a test on me to see if I was ok. I was conscious but my head was spinning.
The Magician - Abe Yr 6
Today I had to stop Cristiano Ronaldo ( my arch enemy) from destroying the city with his machines. I needed to stop him, so my trustee sidekick, Hulk, (he might be my dog, but when he barks even a mighty machine can fall) barked at the machine three times and then it fell down. I checked if Ronaldo was still in it. He was still in the machine but I noticed he had some sparks in his body. I knew that it was a robot Ronaldo. I did some research about where his hideout was.
The Iron Warrior - Quinn Yr 6
Today I had to stop Red Skull from blowing up New York City, and this is how it went. It started like any other day. I would get up, change and go to work. On my way to work Red Skull hacked every screen and billboard to tell everyone he had lined every building in the city with hydrogen bombs. He would detonate in two hours unless I saved the city. After he said that I turned right around and headed straight home. Once I was back at home I put on the Iron Warrior suit and flew straight to the police station to see if they could track where the signal came from. As soon as the police told me the signal came from the middle of a nearby mountain I headed straight there to stop Red Skull.
Public Notices
Big Air Gym - Calling All Kids!
Whether you’re a dancer, an active go-getter, or just love to move – Enhance Your Skills at Bigair with Gym and Tumbling Classes! If you haven’t booked your child’s spot for Term 1 Gym Classes at Bigair Gym yet, there’s still time! Classes are almost fully booked, but the great news is we still have spaces left. But that’s not all – these classes build resilience, confidence, determination, and the ability to receive and apply feedback – valuable life skills for school, sports, and all life’s adventures.
Classes to Help Your Child Shine:
- Pocket Rockets Gym Classes (3-4 years) – Start building coordination and confidence early!
- Gravity Busters Gym Classes (5+ years) – Perfect for beginners looking to develop fundamental gym and tumbling skills.
- Team Extreme Gym Classes (Advanced) – For those ready to take their skills to the next level.
- Free Running (5+ years) – Enhance agility and aerial awareness through parkour and flips.
- Trampoline (5+ years) – Boost spatial awareness and acrobatic abilities.
- Recreational Cheerleading (5+ years) – Build strength, flexibility, and performance skills.
- Tumbling (5+ years) – Focused on mastering walkovers, handsprings, aerials, and more – perfect for dancers, mastering fundamental tumble moves like walkovers, aerials, and handsprings which can significantly enhance performance, flexibility, and overall stage presence.
Hurry – Book Now Before Spots Run Out! Don’t miss out on the chance to help your child grow, learn, and have fun at Bigair Gym! Contact us at: Bigair Gym Owhiro Bay: ph.383 8779, e.wgtn@bigairgym.co.nz at 14 Landfill Road, Owhiro Bay.