Term 1 week 4
Principal's Message

Meet the Teacher
On Thursday 6th March from 5pm-7pm we will be holding our annual Meet the Teacher social event.
Bring along your takeaway dinner and eat on the bottom court. This is a chance to meet other parents and also talk to the teachers. Each teacher will have a 15 minute slot in their classroom to talk to parents about class programmes: 6pm Room 1, 6.15pm Room 2, 6.30pm Room 4.
Parish Mass
On Sunday 2nd March, Wellington South Parish are holding a combined Mass. Mass starts at 10.30am at St Francis de Sales Church.
We have been allocated two prayers of the faithful to read on the day alongside St Anne's and St Francis students.
It would be lovely to have the school represented by as many families as we can so please join us for Mass on that day.
Congratulations to Miss Wilson who last week, became engaged to her fiance Luigi - such wonderful news!
Faith News
Wednesday Mass
Please come and join Room 2 for Mass this Wednesday morning at 9am in Room 3.
Parish Newsletter
This week’s Parish newsletter is available here
2025 Sacramental Programme.
We are now accepting enrolments for 2025. This programme is available to all children who have been baptised into the Catholic faith and reached Year 4 or above in the primary school system. Enrollment forms are available on the Church website wellingtonsouthcatholic.org/
Teacher Only Day - 28 February
Just a quick reminder this Friday 28 February, is a Teacher only day, so School will be closed.
This day will be used to explore the new maths curriculum.
Immunisation Forms Yr 7
Last week the year 7's were sent home with an information and consent form for their upcoming Booster and HPV immunisations.
Please complete Section A - if you would like to have your child immunised at school by the immunisation nurse.
Please complete Section B - if you do not wish for them to be immunised at school.
Please return the form signed and completed regardless of your choice, so Health NZ know your decision and will not then follow up with a phone call. If no form is returned, they will follow up with a phone call.
Could the forms please be filled in and returned to school by this Wednesday 26 February.
Birthday Wishes

Special birthday wishes to Joan who turns 11 on Thursday. We hope you have wonderful, fun filled birthday.
Brooklyn Library Visits
This term we will resume our termly visits to Brooklyn Library. If your child wishes to borrow a book during the visit they need to bring their personal library card with them. We will return books on the next visit if they are brought back in time. Books not brought on the day of the visit will need to be returned by yourselves. If you would like to leave your child's card in the classroom between visits then teachers will find a safe place to keep them.
Room 1: 06 March 20 March
Room 2: 27 February 27 March
Room 4: 13 March
If your child is sick or unable to attend school for all or part of the day, please either send a notification via the school app (skool loop), email the school office on office@stbernards.school.nz or phone 3899377 by 9.00 a.m. so that your child's absence can be accounted for.
Children who are late need to report to the office in case they have been marked absent by the teacher who takes the roll first thing in the morning.
If an absence is planned for a special reason, a note or telephone call to the school in advance is appreciated. In cases of prolonged absence, e.g. a family trip, a written note is required.
Room 1 Learning
The tent is in action in Room 1 and the "Tent Treaty" has been signed by all!
Understandably the tent is very popular, particularly in the afternoon session when some of us are feeling tired or a bit overloaded. Inside the tent there are soft toys, a blanket, a bean bag, fidget toys and calming bubble timers. Room 1 have shown respect and understanding for the purpose of the tent and are very good at taking turns. Well done Room 1!

Our topic for writing has been Summer- and we have talked about summer clothing, food, activities we do in summer and of course the fabulous summer weather! After all of this talk, we put our thoughts into our own Summer poem.
Here is a selection....
Summer is vanilla ice-cream
Summer is swimming togs and slippers
Summer is going to the beach
Summer is spitting rain
Summer is chocolate ice-cream
Summer is bare feet and a t-shirt and shorts
Summer is going to the beach
summer is hot
I eat ice cream
I put on my hat
I go to the beach
It is hot.
Room 2 Learning
Room 2 have been busy learning about microorganisms. We've looked at five categories of microbes: protozoa, fungi, algae, bacteria, and viruses. We've learnt about the different environments each microbe likes and we've discussed how tiny these little organisms are! As a fun activity, we guessed what each type of microbe might look like, using playdough to shape our designs. Afterwards, we viewed pictures of what they actually look like and then redesigned our playdough models to best resemble each microbe.
Room 2 has also been doing a lot of testing, and they have all been amazing at remaining quiet and focused on each test. Ka pai Room 2, I'm so proud of you all!

Room 4 Learning
This term Room 4 are writing about Autobiographies.
Clara: Yr 8 - Dreams
One goal I have for the future is that I want to be an exchange student and live in a different country after college. After that, I want to travel the rest of the world and go to Italy, America, Europe and Hawaii. I would also like to write a book or be in a movie. When I’m finished traveling the world and everything, I would like to be a professional swimmer. If that does not work out, I’ll become a children's therapist.
Erin: Yr 8 - Culture
My two cultures are Indonesian and Chinese. At home we mix two different languages, which are Indonesian and English. At my school I speak English. My father (Enrino) is full Indonesian. My mother (Jeane) is half Indonesian and her other half Chinese because her father is Chinese. I learn about the world from books, and the internet. I also like to learn about my friends and where they come from.
Mason Yr 8 - Recreation
I like to play softball and football. The softball club I play for is Poneke Kilbirnie or PK for short. I play pitcher and catcher (backstop). My football club is Island Bay United: The positions I play are goalkeeper and striker. I like to play computer games on my PS4 with Riley. One of the games Riley and I play is Fortnite.
Alna Yr 8 - Food
I like lots of foods from different countries like Mexico, China, Japan, Italy, India and Thailand. My favourite Mexican dishes are quesadillas, tacos, nachos with guacamole, salsa and burritos. The Chinese food I really like is sweet and sour pork or beef, dumplings and noodles. I also love eating Japanese foods like ramen, sushi, tempura and nigiri. The Italian foods I like are chicken risotto, spaghetti bolognese, meatballs, spaghetti and pizza. My favorite Indian dishes are butter chicken, chicken masala, kadala curry and chana masala.
Riley Yr 8 - My House
My name is Riley Thomas Rodulfo and I am 12. I live in Satara Crescent Khandallah, Wellington New Zealand. My house is a three story building with three bathrooms and four bedrooms, two living rooms, a backyard and a garage. My dad keeps his plant collection in our backyard. My favourite place in the house is the living room because that is where I play on the PS5 console and watch television.
Dara Yr 7 - Physical Description
I am short compared to other children in my class. l have black hair and my eyes are brown. l like to talk with my friends during school break times. I know a lot about Asian culture because my parents were born in Cambodia.
Inigo Yr 7 - Physical Description and Family
I am kind of tall when I compare myself to others. I have black hair and black eyes. There are also a few moles on my face. I consider myself a funny person because people laugh at my jokes.
I have two siblings, my sisters Imara and Ieuan. We also have two dogs. Their names are Inaki and Imaru. Our Grandma also lives with us. My Grandma's name is Edelwisa and my parents names are Cesar and Sharon.
Katarina Yr 7 - Hobbies and Sports
In my free time I like to draw, write, read or practice batting, catching or pitching. This is because I play softball. In my team, we have Charles, Shan, Whetiu, Reian, Willa, Lucy, Shanty and Mollymay. And my team name is PK. My coach's name is Owhani and I play on first base and outfield. We start our training or game by warming up by throwing the ball or batting to the field.
Quest Yr 7 - My Goals
One of my goals for this year is to improve my writing, reading and maths. One of my lifetime goals is to become a professional basketball player. If that does not go as planned then I want to be a builder.
Joan Yr 7 - My Personality
My full name is Joanna Elza Aneesh. I am 147 cm (1.47m), my mum says I am almost her height. I like being cool and simple. People say I'm funny, friendly, and amazing. Sometimes I will play computer games at home. I have lots of friends. At school my friends are Erin and Alna.
Josh Yr 7 - Hobbies and Sports
I like to play tennis and go to the Vogelmorn Tennis Club. I can ride a mountain bike. I attend mountain biking lessons at Mount Victoria. I play a video game called Forza Horizon 5. Forza Horizon 5 is an online car game where you complete activities and races. I also like to build and play with Lego. I also have a big 1:64 scale car collection. At the moment I am building a 1:64 scale car city. I enjoy playing with my car collection and reading graphic novels. I also mow one of my neighbour’s lawns.
Public Notices
Big Air Gym - Calling All Kids!
Whether you’re a dancer, an active go-getter, or just love to move – Enhance Your Skills at Bigair with Gym and Tumbling Classes! If you haven’t booked your child’s spot for Term 1 Gym Classes at Bigair Gym yet, there’s still time! Classes are almost fully booked, but the great news is we still have spaces left. But that’s not all – these classes build resilience, confidence, determination, and the ability to receive and apply feedback – valuable life skills for school, sports, and all life’s adventures.
Classes to Help Your Child Shine:
- Pocket Rockets Gym Classes (3-4 years) – Start building coordination and confidence early!
- Gravity Busters Gym Classes (5+ years) – Perfect for beginners looking to develop fundamental gym and tumbling skills.
- Team Extreme Gym Classes (Advanced) – For those ready to take their skills to the next level.
- Free Running (5+ years) – Enhance agility and aerial awareness through parkour and flips.
- Trampoline (5+ years) – Boost spatial awareness and acrobatic abilities.
- Recreational Cheerleading (5+ years) – Build strength, flexibility, and performance skills.
- Tumbling (5+ years) – Focused on mastering walkovers, handsprings, aerials, and more – perfect for dancers, mastering fundamental tumble moves like walkovers, aerials, and handsprings which can significantly enhance performance, flexibility, and overall stage presence.
Hurry – Book Now Before Spots Run Out! Don’t miss out on the chance to help your child grow, learn, and have fun at Bigair Gym! Contact us at: Bigair Gym Owhiro Bay: ph.383 8779, e.wgtn@bigairgym.co.nz at 14 Landfill Road, Owhiro Bay.