Term 1 Week 1
Principal's Message

Welcome back to you all for the start of another school year. I hope the children are all well rested and ready for another busy year of learning.
We had a lovely break, spending the whole time with my family in England. We had some snow, went on a weekend away in Sherwood Forest with my sister and her family, we went to the theatre, visited Chester Zoo, played so much tenpin bowling and crazy golf, walked the dog, did a lot of shopping plus so much more.
Ministry Update
We have no further news to that which I gave you at the end of 2024. I will be notified when the Ministry report goes to the Minister and I will let you know when that happens. In the meantime we carry on providing the best education we can for the children.
Year 9
Last week Danica, Vincent and Natalie started their college journeys. They are all settling in well and you can see them in their new uniforms below.
Teacher Only Day
To support schools with the introduction of the new Mathematics and Statistics curriculum, the Government has given schools two teacher only days. The dates for these are guided by when the professional development is available. The first of our two days will be on Friday 28th February. The second is on Friday May 30th.

Faith News
Wednesday Mass
Please come and join us for our start of year Mass this Wednesday morning at 9am in the school hall.
Parish Newsletter
This week’s Parish newsletter is available here
Welcome to St Bernard's School

Today we are delighted to welcome 3 new students and their families to St Bernard's.
We welcome Cole & Kathrina to Room 4, and Daisy to room 1. We hope you all have a great start to school.
2025 Stationery Lists
Please see below for links to your child/rens stationery lists for 2025
These are also available on the school website click here, in store/online with Warehouse Stationery, and online with Officemax.
We ask that all children return to school with their full stationery order.
The tissues you are asked to supply are made available in classrooms. This helps to reduce the risk of infections from children not using handkerchiefs. Please supply a large box of tissues.
A note from teachers: If your child still has room in their books from this year, we are happy for them to use the rest of the pages at the start of 2025.
Sun Hats Term 1

A reminder we are a sun smart school, so all children must have a school sunhat at school each day in Term 1 regardless of the weather.
Brooklyn Library Visits
This term we will resume our termly visits to Brooklyn Library. If your child wishes to borrow a book during the visit they need to bring their personal library card with them. We will return books on the next visit if they are brought back in time. Books not brought on the day of the visit will need to be returned by yourselves. If you would like to leave your child's card in the classroom between visits then teachers will find a safe place to keep them.
Room 1: 06 March 20 March
Room 2: 27 February 27 March
Room 4: 20 February 13 March
Birthday Wishes

Special birthday wishes to Annabelle who turned 8 yesterday. We hope you had a wonderful, fun filled birthday.
2025 Term Dates
Term 1 - Mon 3 Feb to Fri 11 April (Waitangi Day 6 Feb, teacher only day 28th Feb)
Term 2 - Mon 28 April to Fri 27 June (Kings birthday 2 June, Matariki June 20, teacher only day 30th May)
Term 3 - Mon 14 July to Fri 19 Sept
Term 4 - Mon 6 Oct to Wed 17 Dec (Labour Day Oct 27)
If your child is sick or unable to attend school for all or part of the day, please either send a notification via the school app (skool loop), email the school office on office@stbernards.school.nz or phone 3899377 by 9.00 a.m. so that your child's absence can be accounted for.
Children who are late need to report to the office in case they have been marked absent by the teacher who takes the roll first thing in the morning.
If an absence is planned for a special reason, a note or telephone call to the school in advance is appreciated. In cases of prolonged absence, e.g. a family trip, a written note is required.